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  •   98% of our client Scored A/B
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Need Help With CJS 204.91C CIVIL LIBERTIES AND CIVIL RIGHTS Online Course?

With the advancement of technology, the world of online learning is expanding rapidly. Thank you to the internet for connecting the entire world and providing us with numerous benefits. Online courses are one of the advantages. However, there is a significant burden on students, and a number of tasks are piled on their shoulders. We have launched our assistance for those who want to pay someone to take my online course. If you are considering paying someone to complete your CJS 204.91C CIVIL LIBERTIES AND CIVIL RIGHTS online course, we can help. Don't be concerned; we will provide you with high-quality services from our experts. We are available to our clients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

We are well-known for providing high-quality services to our customers at reasonable prices. We have been offering our services to students to take my online classes for me on their behalf. We believe in satisfying our customers and thus providing them with the best expert for their work. Our experts are highly qualified, with master and PhD degrees in a variety of fields. They have extensive experience in their field and will do your online class and course for you.

Course Description

You will learn about the analysis of civil liberties and civil rights in the United States in this course. The course covers topics such as religious liberty, free speech, equal protection under the law, and due process of law. This course examines modern constitutional law in an engaging, comprehensive, and up-to-date manner. It will provide you with a foundation for understanding how our legal system works, allowing you to continue your studies and build on it.

Furthermore, this course takes a social scientific approach to constitutional law, explaining how various circumstances, not just legal ones, influence the evolution of the law. The course will also go over not only the procedures used by the Supreme Court to decide cases, but also the numerous legal and extralegal techniques used by scholars to analyse and explain why the Court makes the decisions it does.

Hire an online class doer at takemyonlineclassesforme.com and get top grades. All you need to do is say do my online class and consider it done. 

CJS 204.91C Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Course Grading Methods and Policy

Each week, your instructor will post an assignment on Bridges that you must complete by the following week. All assignments with a due date will be posted on Bridges, and all assignments must be submitted through the Bridges class site.

Your assignments will be graded using only full letter grades on a weekly basis (95, 85, 75, 65, or 55 for failing). If they are graded on a pass/fail basis, you will receive a 100 for passing and a 50 for failing. If an assignment is submitted after the due date, I may deduct points. All of these weekly assignments will add up to 20% of your final grade.

Throughout the semester, several tests and/or written tasks will be posted on the Bridges site, and these will count for half of your final grade. There may also be a final exam, which is weighted as two quiz grades. However, if you require someone to take your online exam, please contact us at any time.

Grading Breakdown

  • Quizzes/Writing Assignments/Final Test – 50%
  • Weekly assignments – 20%
  •  Participation – 30%
A 100-95
A- 93-90
B+ 89-87
B 86-83
B- 82-80
C+ 79-77
C 76-73
C- 72-70
D+ 69-67
D 66-63
D- 62-60
F 59 or below


Late assignments submitted without prior permission may result in a lower grade or rejection (depending on the assignment). Without prior permission, late quizzes, tests, or exams will not be accepted. If you want to save yourself from late submission then you can ask us to do my online class for me.


You will be able to do the following after successfully completing this course:

  • Define the various modes of analysis that a Court may employ when deciding a controversy.
  • Examine how the Supreme Court deconstructs a legal issue and formulates its decision.
  • Describe how our current legal system is based on our interpretation of the Constitution.
  • Predict how the Supreme Court will rule on future controversies by studying previous Court decisions.
  • Determine how lower courts will follow the Supreme Court's precedent through stare decisis.
  • Determine whether lower courts followed Supreme Court precedent.



Pre-class Assignment Please post an introduction to Bridges in the forum section.
Week #1 10/25/21







Understanding the Supreme Court
Judiciary/Bill of Rights
Read Part 1/Chapter 1 (pages 2-42) in your textbook.
Read Chapters 2 - 3 (pages 43-86)

Define how the Court processes cases, and how cases are
briefed and argued.
Explain how the Bill of Rights is incorporated into the states

See Assignments 1 and 2 on Bridges
Complete the assignment by 10/31

Week #2 11/1/21







Freedom of Speech, Assembly, and Association
Read Part 2/Chapter4 (pages 87-182)

Define religion through the Court’s “eyes”
Breakdown how the Court applies freedoms of expression

See Assignments 3 and 4 on Bridges
Complete the assignment by 11/7

Week #3






Freedom of the Press
Read Chapter 6



Identify the tests Courts use for press freedoms.


See Assignment 5 on Bridges
Complete the assignment by 11/14
Quiz 1 posted on Chapters 1 through 4 (pages 2-182)

Week #4







Free Expression/Right to Bear Arms
Read Chapters 7 and 8 (pages 307-364)

Describe how the Court interprets these rights using the
cases we’ve already discussed.
Generate a “new” test the Court may use in deciding
future Second Amendment controversies. 

See Assignments 6 and 7 on Bridges
Complete the assignment by 11/21

Week #5








Investigation and Evidence
Attorneys, Trials, and Punishments
Read Part 3/Chapter 10 (pages 427-496)
Read Chapter 11 (pages 497-553)

Explain an overview of the criminal justice system
Identify rules of evidence and exceptions to these rules
Explain the rights of the accused and how the Courts apply
these rights

See Assignments 8 and 9 on Bridges
Complete the assignment by 11/28
Quiz 2 Posted on Chapter 5 though 8 (pages 183-364)

Week #6







Equal Protection
Contemporary Equal Protection
Read Part 4/Chapter 12 (pages 555-600).
Read Chapter 13 (601-668)

Predict how the Court may decide future equal protection

See Assignments 10 and 11 on Bridges Complete the assignment by 12/5

Week #7






Voting and Representation
Read Chapter 14 (669-720) 

Apply your knowledge current controversies based on
voting rights, and predict how the Court may rule. 


See Assignment 12 on Bridges
Quiz 3 Posted on Chapter 10-13

Cont. Week #7 PREPARATION:
Final Exam Posted – 12/16


Frequently Asked Questions